Hey guys, I recently bought some stuff from the Sephora Labor Day sale. It wasn't an event with a promo code it was just products they'd marked down and honestly some of them are still in the sale section. Mainly I got sale products but I got a couple new releases too. So let's get into it.
Hey guys. I picked up some items from the Welcome Back sale from Sephora. Which is still going on till the 23rd of August. What I really love about this sale is that it doesn't matter what tier you're on, you're still going to get $15 off $75 and $20 off $100. Usually it does. Also, you can use this multiple times in the store but only once online. I, of course, ordered online.
Today's post is going to be a haul from both ULTA and Sephora. They arrived only days apart and I'm actually still waiting on 2 more items from Sephora. I just thought I'd go ahead and do a haul post since it's all new product I've not tried. It's mainly skincare. Cause I'll be honest, I'm not doing a ton of makeup looks right now since I'm home ya know? There is a sprinkle or two of some non-skincare items though. These orders were from sales that both stores were having at the time.
Today I'm finally talking about my massive bath products haul. I've been putting this off and thanks to that a lot of these products, which were holiday exclusives, are gone. This is over the span of a couple months, so this is more of a collective haul. The products I got duplicates of are the ones that I buy extras of because they're going to sell out or discontinue, they might be on sale, etc. Also, I like buying from indie brands the most when I can. Here's a spoiler 9 times out of 10 the indie brands that I like are FAR BETTER than your commercial/big bath product dedicated companies. I mean leaps and bounds better and a lot of times not as expensive, have better shipping time, and sometimes free shipping .
Happy 2020 guys! It's been a while since my last blog post. As you know, I've been taking some time away from everything and just focused on the holidays and shutting everything off, in a way, to focus on family. I hope you guys had a great holiday season. I thought it'd be nice to kick off 2020 with a collective haul post, things I've picked up after the holidays that went on sale, and some brand new things for 2020. I cashed in my points with ULTA and took advantage of the Sephora sale on sale event.
Guys....it's officially fall. Not that that means anything in TN because it's still 90 degrees but, whatever. Anywho, we're full throttle in pumpkin spice everything, cinnamon, caramel apples, pumpkins, Hocus Pocus, wearing fall fashion that it's too dang hot for right now, etc. (I was just trying to keep that going as long as I could with fall examples lol) Anyway, I have several new hauls to talk about but we're starting with the biggest one first which is new bath products, majority wise "fall" bath products. All products are from small "indie" brands, which are my favorite. These were all purchased by me over the last month or so.
I know we just done a bath products haul but I also have a makeup haul to bring you as well. This will be all the products that I've bought not products I've been sent. Since I've been sick I've checked out a lot of new products on ULTA and Sephora. Not to mention ULTA has a 20% off coupon right now until the 30th. Plus, there's a ton of new releases for summer.
Hey guys. It's time for a bath products haul, which is becoming one of my favorite things to get lately. I'm so into watching people put together "bath cocktails" and review indie brands for their whipped soaps, sugar scrubs, and bath treats. Let me just say most of them come from Canada. I don't know what the deal is but you're doing solid work Canada and I appreciate it.
Somehow, someway, I don't know how it happened but I've become a lushie. One minute I was just your average gal appreciating bath products occasionally. Now I'm a full fledged psycho and addicted to their scents. Not all of them but a lot of them. So lets discuss my journey down the rabbit hole of LUSH and what products that I love (so far).
Holy crap. Have you all see those bath cockatails on Instagram. HAVE YOU WITNESSED THE ASMR FROM @LUSHLORD?? If not, then get on it. Thanks to seeing all those, we have a MASSIVE bath product haul/post in general of things that I do really like. I have bought 80% of the things you're going to see but there have been some products that were sent to me. Mainly the body products. I will clarify the ones that were sent to me for consideration.
ErinI'm from Tennessee. I'm a makeup and skincare lover. I have always enjoyed creating looks but I love to help people with product knowledge and application even more. I've been able to start blogging and do these things I love because God has seen fit to bless me with the opportunity. Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me! Categories
January 2022